FREE Sensory Friendly 15-year Anniversary Events Coming to a Location Near YOU!

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In celebration of our 15 years of providing unrivaled ABA therapy, we are hosting a series of free sensory-friendly events around the country.  The events are a chance for us to say a big THANK YOU to the people who have helped us reach this milestone, as well as an opportunity to introduce ourselves to members of the autism community who may not be familiar with us.

The first of many events to come throughout our anniversary year are scheduled, planned and awaiting your participation: 

Our clients and their families, along with our employees and the local autism community are all invited to take part in the celebratory sensory-friendly events planned at kid-friendly locations across the country.

All of the events are FREE to attend, but an RSVP is required. So, if you’d like to participate, head over to our Events Page, click on the Behavior Frontiers 15 Year Anniversary Event of your choice, and send an RSVP email (Please note: each event has a unique email address for RSVPs).

Don’t see an event near you? There are lots more events in the works, so check in on our Events Page (you can also subscribe to the calendar to get updates) for details about an anniversary event coming to your neck of the woods…We look forward to seeing you there!

July 30, 2019


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