Behavior Frontiers’ Infant Development Programs are uniquely tailored to help infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delays and their families develop positive relationships and improve the entire family’s quality of life. We are currently providing 1:1 in home sessions with safety precautions in place as well as 1:1 parent training via telehealth.
Behavior Frontiers’ culturally diverse staff can provide services in several languages. We empower families with positive strategies that nurture social and emotional growth and language development.
Behavior Frontiers’ Infant Development Program is based on the following guiding principles:
Family-Oriented Program
Supports the relationship between the family and the child as the primary relationship in the child’s life.
Is responsive to cultural and linguistic diversity.
Builds relationships with families.
Relationship-Based Care:
Provides intimate, relationship-based care for infants and toddlers.
Ensures that all children have a sense of belonging.
Personalizes care routines.
Health and Safety:
Ensures the health and safety of all children.
Ensures that children are well-nourished and that mealtimes support relationships.
Promotes children’s mental health.
Protects all children from abuse and neglect.
Ensures that both indoor and outdoor spaces support the development of a small community of families, staff, and infants, in which they build relationships of care and trust.
The environment is arranged and organized to support the child’s free movement.
The environment is organized and prepared to support the child’s learning interests and focused exploration.
Learning and Development Integration Across Domains:
Facilitates learning across domains (e.g., physical, social-emotional, language/communication, cognitive, and self-help).
Uses a research-based curriculum.
Utilizes observation, documentation, and assessment to program for developmental progress, as well as approaches and materials used.
Nurtures a love of books and stories.
The goal of Behavior Frontiers’ Infant Development Program is to help each child reach his/her maximum potential by empowering families to learn effective and positive strategies to improve their relationship with their child, as well as their child’s development in the natural environment. In addition, Behavior Frontiers’ Infant Development Program aims to provide a family-centered practice to enhance parent-infant interactions and increase infant/toddler participation within their environment.
Regional Center Services
We provide ABA services for children through California Regional Centers. California Regional Centers are nonprofit private corporations that contract with the California Department of Developmental Services to provide or coordinate services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Currently, Behavior Frontiers is vendored with the following Regional Centers in California: