Keep CALM and Attend a Behavior Frontiers 15 Year Anniversary Celebration!


On October 12th, Behavior Frontiers’ Bakersfield, CA, office was delighted to host the local autism community at California Living Museum – AKA CALM -- a zoo and museum focused on ecology and animal rescue. The children – and adults – had a wonderful time exploring the grounds and interacting with a slew of local animals, including mountain lions, black bears, and mountain goats. They were even treated to some hands-on experiences with owls, snakes, and waterfowl indigenous to the area.

“Everyone had a great time,” said Allie Wyatt, a Behavior Frontiers Bakersfield office team member. “The kids were so excited to be able to see all of the animals, ride the train, and play on the playground. And, the parents were happy to have a safe and inclusive environment to which that they felt comfortable brining their children, without having to worry.”

“It was wonderful to share one of our favorite local outings with Behavior Frontiers. Having our [behavior] tech there with us just made one of our favorite places even better”, shared a mom.

These anniversary events -- which are our way of saying “Thank you” to our clients, families, staff and the autism communities who have helped us reach this milestone -- will be continuing through April 2020. Check out our Events page to see when the party is coming to your area! And, for a look at the fun we’ve had at previous celebrations, check out the photo albums on our special 15 Year Anniversary Page.

October 29, 2019

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